星期六, 12月 23, 2006


程序的來源 感謝Binbin撰寫

經過反覆的測試,我找到了成功使用該程序的方法,並且在Windiws Vista Ultimate版和Home Premuim版上測試通過。
1. 激活計數器永遠停留在43200秒(30天)上,不會繼續往下走
2. 安裝使用的是默認的內置CD-KEY,可以進行Windows Update
3. 永遠處於初始激活寬限期,理論上MS無法通過聯網的方式將使用過破解的用戶同正常安裝且尚未激活的用戶區分開

4. 可以通過正版驗證,下載MS提供的增值軟件
5. Vista設計的時候,就將初始激活寬限期中的前三天(剩餘30日-28日)定位為讓用戶配置硬件驅動和必備軟件,不提示用戶激活。使用該破解後,激活計數器永遠停留在30天,故不會有激活的提醒。只是「系統」屬性裡會有30天的提示而已,不影響使用

首先,我們需要進行一次名為「2099 ReArm」的操作,這個操作很多人都見過。沒錯,這就是之前流傳的破解方法,不過由於只騙過了安裝時間檢測,卻無法使激活計數器的停止運轉,使得破解不成功。




接下來運行命令:cscript slmgr.vbs -rearm


當前日期: 2006/12/20 三
輸入新日期: (年月日) 2099/12/31
運行命令:cscript slmgr.vbs -rearm,示例如下:
C:\Windows\system32>cscript slmgr.vbs -rearm
Microsoft (R) Windows Script Host Version 5.7
版權所有(C) Microsoft Corporation 1996-2001。保留所有權利。

當前日期: 2099/12/31 四
輸入新日期: (年月日) 2006/12/20
這時,可以關閉「命令提示符」,但先不要重新啟動計算機。解壓縮本貼的附件到一個本地文件夾然後右鍵單擊「Vista test crack.exe」,在上下文菜單中選擇「以管理員身份運行(A)」。在程序的對話框中,單擊「Install」按鈕,出現「Service installed」表明安裝成功。關閉程序,重新啟動計算機。

3.重新啟動計算機後,運行一段時間(幾分鐘即可),按Win+R組合鍵,輸入slmgr.vbs -dlv來查看激活計數器。
如果出現的對話框中「剩餘時間」項目的內容為「43200 分鐘(30 天)」即告成功。
---Already Known------------
Windows Vista Ultimate x86 - 成功!
Windows Vista Home Premium x86 - 成功!
Windows Vista Ultimate x64 - 失敗

星期五, 12月 22, 2006

Another crack

The simple hack for the pirated DVD of Windows Vista ends here. However, there are a more comprehensive method to crack Windows Vista activation that immediately follows the tutorial steps above (skip the above time changing step).

  1. When Vista installation is finished, boot up Windows Vista and go to the Windows where you’ll required to enter desired account name and password, followed by computer name. Do not enter anything yet, instead press Shift + F10 key together to launch Command Prompt.
  2. In the launched Command Prompt, type “taskmgr” (without the quotes) to launch Task Manager.
  3. In the Task Manager window, go to Processes tab, and locate the program called “msoobe.exe”. Select the process and click on “End Process” button to terminate the program.
  4. The Account Creation screen should disappear and the Welcome Screen should appear. Log with a user called “Other User” and then click the arrow button in the right corner, and then click on “Restart” to restart the system.
  5. Upon initial stage of system bootup after restarting, press F8 Key to go to Safe Mode.
  6. In the Safe Mode, go to Start -> Run, and type “control userpasswords2″ (without quotes), and the user accounts setting should appear.
  7. Go to Advanced tab, and in Advanced User Management section click on Advanced.
  8. There will be two folders named Users & Groups. Double click on Users folder then right click on the icon named Administrator, and then unchecked the setting that says “Account Is Disabled”.
  9. Click on OK twice to exit. And don’t restart the computer.
  10. In the clock and time shown in the Notification Area (System Tray), right click on the Clock and select Adjust Date and Time.
  11. Go to Internet Time tab, and choose Change Settings, then uncheck (untick) Synchronize with an Internet Time Server option.
  12. Click OK to exit.
  13. Restart the computer and boot up to BIOS.
  14. Reset the computer date and year to current year.
  15. Boot up the computer to Windows Vista, you should be able to log on as Administrator.
  16. Go to Start -> Run, and type “winver”, then press Enter or click OK.
  17. A window will display and mentioned that the product is licensed to: Windows User.
  18. Beside, in My Computer properties, the computer name will have a randomized name too.
  19. In Windows Explorer, go to Folder Options, and select Show Hidden Files and Folders settings.
  20. Browse to C:\Windows\system32\oobe folder.
  21. Locate and Run msoobe.exe by double clicking on it.
  22. Input the desired account name, computer name, date and the time zone.
  23. Windows Vista will then analyze the computer’s performance. Wait for the performance check to complete.
  24. Once performance check is complete, go to Start -> Run, and type “control userpasswords2″.
  25. User Accounts window will be launched. Go to Advance, and in Advanced User Management section click on Advanced, and then double click on Users folder.
  26. Right click on Administrator and then select Properties, and check the Account is Disabled option.
  27. Restart the computer
  28. Connect to Internet.
  29. Verify the computer name and winver display. You’ll have 30 days activation grace period which expires only at year 2099 (or whatever year you set)

星期二, 12月 19, 2006

Windows Vista Crack

To extend the period of Windows Vista Product Activation grace period, use the following hack when the activation grace period of 30 days is almost timeout:
1. Press WinKey + R to open the Run window, or open Command Prompt.
2. Type the following command into the Open textbox, or from the Command Prompt:
     rundll32 slc.dll,SLReArmWindows
3. Click OK or press ENTER.
4. Reboot the computer, and Windows Vista will give users another 30 more days for users to activate Windows Vista.