星期六, 3月 24, 2007

World of Warcraft on Windows Vista

當我用full screen時,螢幕三不五時就閃一下,還會黑掉1秒再復原....
當我試著使用新版的Intel Chipset driver installation安裝之後,一切....還是很糟。

在請教google之後,找到了幾篇相關文章:Wow官方的英文討論帖1 討論帖2
而我用的硬體是Intel 945G,在官方討論中寫到

Intel 945 & 950 Graphics

* Users are reporting that it will crash into a black screen. A message saying that the Display driver stopped responding and has recovered will follow. It has been reproduced in-house. Some users reported success using a new set of drivers drivers for the 945/950 series. These are released 2/4/07.

Desktop 945: http://downloadfinder.intel.com/scripts-df-external/Product_Filter.aspx?ProductID=2102&lang=eng

Mobile 945: http://downloadfinder.intel.com/scripts-df-external/Product_Filter.aspx?ProductID=2301

We are currently testing the game on these drivers. Early test indicate that these drivers have fixed the crash on the areas we have noted. If you want, try them and report your findings here.

